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I offer a bespoke, one-to-one coaching programme tailored to your needs.


I will improve your game, whatever your aims, ambitions, and targets. I will identify and help you to correct technical, attitudinal, and mental faults by means of enjoyable, challenging and specific practice routines, and techniques I have learned from some of the world's best coaches. One of the central methods to taking your game to the next level is Neural Rewiring, a neuroscience-based subconcious approach, to, basically, create different, and positive, neural connections in the brain, which relate to self-belief, self-image, and ultimately, self-confidence.


Coaching sessions will be planned, and you will be able to ask questions and get objective feedback. Through positive mutual feedback, we will build a solid player/coach relationship: I will build a knowledge of your game and you will increase your understanding of both your game and the game in general.


The SnookerSmith - next level Snooker Coaching


Adult - £40 per hour    5 x 2Hr sessions: £60 per session

Junior(Under 18) and Concessions - £30 per hour


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