Some of the interesting people I have met since becoming a coach: clockwise: Dr Steve Peters, Mark King, Dennis Taylor, Hazel Irvine, ‘The Nugget’, John Parris, Reanne Evans, Chris Henry
About me
I fell in love with the game when I was about 14 years old, captivated by the top players on TV. I was interested in technique even then, and read all the books: Joe Davis’ How I Play Snooker, Ray Reardon’s Classic Snooker, and John Spencer’s Teach Yourself Snooker, followed over the years by those by Steve Davis, Frank Callan, Jimmy White, etc.
When I started playing, I was fortunate to have someone set me on the right path, something not all players are lucky enough to experience. I have watched many players, of all levels, with the same problems, technical and mental, that could have been corrected easily, resulting in less frustration and more enjoyment from the game.
You don’t need to be the next Ronnie O’Sullivan to benefit from coaching, most players could benefit from improving their basic technique, or help in understanding potting angles or positional play, and if you are thinking of taking up this fascinating game, getting the basics right at the outset will give you a solid base on which to build.
If you do aspire to play the game seriously, then developing effective habits is vital. Using neuroscience, through repetition, something called Neural Rewiring, I can help you develop effective habitual mechanics and visuals, as well as create different neural connections in your brain, which then relate to your self-belief, self-image and ultimately your self-confidence and how you feel.
I believe these techniques take snooker coaching to a new level